Content of last edition

Screening for cardiac amyloidosis – Literature review

Cardiac amyloidosis is caused by the accumulation of misfolded protein fibrils in the extra cellular space of the heart. The diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis remains difficult because of the heterogeneous manifestations of the disease. Light chain amyloidosis and transthyretin amyloidosis being the most common types of cardiac amyloidosis. Amyloidosis is frequently misdiagnosed and delayed...

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Management methods for post-COVID 19 pulmonary hypertension

Introduction: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a rare pathology recognizing five groups of different mechanisms and etiologies. Its diagnosis is suspected by the clinical examination and the ECG and confirmed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterism; its treatment is based on general rules, first and second line treatment (diuretics, oxygenotherapy, anticoagulants and calcium-channel blockers) and specific...

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Treatment of silent myocardial ischemia in diabetic patients

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Algeria is 14 % in 2020 where type 2 diabetes occupies 80 % of diabetic states. Around the world, the type 2 diabetic dies mainly from cardiovascular disease, of which ischemic origin is the most frequent cause. The particularity of coronary ischemia in diabetics remains in its silent...

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Superior vena cava syndrome

Introduction: These are all the clinical manifestations reflecting the obstruction of the superior vena cava return related to the obstruction of the superior vena cava (VCS) and / or brachiocephalic venous trunks. It was first described by William Hunter in 1757 from an observation of a carrier patient a sacciform aneurysm of the thoracic...

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Precautions to take before prescribing a statin

The use of statins is widespread, whether for primary or secondary prevention of vascular diseases. It is recommended to prescribe a high-dose statin up to the maximum tolerated dose in order to reach the LDL-cholesterol target of the person's specific cardiovascular risk group. Certain precautions are to be taken and which are justified before...

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Fasting in the month of Ramadan and cardiovascular diseases

The holy month of Ramadan is a pivotal period in the Muslim calendar. The change in lifestyle of patients followed for cardiovascular disease during this period is a challenge facing cardiology. Despite this, few scientific studies have looked into the subject. This article attempts, on the basis of a literature review on the subject,...

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Which patients with pulmonary embolism can benefit from outpatient care?

In routine clinical practice, in most countries, patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) are hospitalized for clinical monitoring and to begin anticoagulant administration although clinical trials and scientific society guidelines recommend treatment in safely in outpatient settings for patients with stable PE, at low risk of early mortality. The identification of these patients is...

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No Reflow phenomenon: what diagnostic methods?

Ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction are a leading cause of death worldwide. The advent of thrombolytics, then coronary stents, allowing the restoration of artery patency, changed the course of the disease. However, despite even rapid recanalization of the artery, the ischemic myocardium remains non perfused in 40 % of the cases. This phenomenon...

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The role of epigenetics in coronary heart disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), and specifically coronary artery disease (CAD), remains the leading cause of mortality worldwide. Although many genetic factors have been identified to contribute to the risk of developing CAD, the etiology and pathophysiology of complex diseases such as CAD are determined not only by genetic factors but also by the interaction between...

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Myocardial ischemia, between atheroma, tortuosity and coronaro-cameral fistula

Introduction: Myocardial ischemia is a very common pathological phenomenon in the general population with different presentations (acute or chronic), it constitutes by its consequences the first cause of mortality in the world. In its most classic form, this ischemia is secondary to an imbalance between oxygen supply and requirements following an atherosclerotic reduction...

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TAVI state of the art and local experience of CHU Mustapha

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is currently considered the technique of choice for the treatment of aortic stenosis in subjects over the age of 75, regardless of the level of risk. It can also be proposed in younger subjects when the surgical operative risk is high, in this situation the problem then arises of the...

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Ischemic stroke seen by cardiologist

Ischemic stroke (IS) is a common and serious pathology. This is a medical emergency. The after-effects are all the more serious as treatment is delayed. Positive diagnosis of IS is usually not a problem; however, the search for a cardio embolic cause is not as straight forward as one might think. Medium and long-term...

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